Punjabi Hindu Weddings – Fun-filled Rituals which Enthrall

“Punjabi Hindu weddings are noisy and luxurious.” Really? This is a typical discernment that the world has about them. In any case, I have an alternate view. It is safe to say that they are a carefree race? Indeed, yet so are the majority of us. Just that they are most likely more expressive than a portion of the other Indian ethnic races. I will examine their wedding customs to set up my point.

You could never discover the temperament serious even at such a grave event. There is an astonishing cluster of hues in plain view, delightful women decked up in creator lehenga-cholis and intensely weaved sarees and attractive noble men in sherwanis and costly marked suits.

You would likewise discover sparkling presentation of moving aptitudes and steady exercise of the vocal harmonies. The second you set your foot inside the scene, you would be welcomed with warm and agreeable welcome, sweet hints of giggling and furthermore tattle (ahem!) and visitors blazing million dollar grins. In contrast to other Indian relationships, in Punjabi weddings you would discover even the old relaxing and excitedly partaking in various sorts of occasions and commitment alongside the adolescents. They likewise sing and move.

There is song in music and a great deal of heart and fun in the move steps. There will never be a dull second. Indeed, pundits now and then call Punjabi weddings gaudy, vainglorious or chauvinist. Be that as it may, those are conversations for one more day, not suitable for this blog entry. Everything I can say is that in the event that you need unadulterated, unreasonable fun, you would discover Punjabi weddings exceptionally engaging.

In addition, films like Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge, Mere Dad ki Maruti and a large group of other Hindi motion pictures have anticipated Punjabi Hindu Weddings such that today, Punjabi weddings have gotten interchangeable with ‘Indian’ weddings. That is to say, that is the manner by which the world normally observes it and Punjabi weddings (Hindu) have become well known everywhere throughout the world.

Yet, all said and done, the Punjabis are specific about maintaining their custom and they attempt to follow practically all the well established wedding ceremonies perfectly. There is no pause there for anybody. Indeed, even the Punjabi workers in UK, US, Canada or other Western nations don’t loosen up rules for their western instructed kids with regards to marriage. Nowadays, notwithstanding, Punjabi Weddings offer the best look at combination of oriental and occidental qualities, practices and conventions.

In any case, would you say you are mindful of the names or accurate nature of the considerable number of ceremonies in a Punjabi wedding function? It is safe to say that we are secure with the specific request of these occasions? I have committed this post to give you a reasonable point of view and a concise thought regarding the different customs.

Today, we are totally used to working in a sorted out way and ideally having this rundown in your grasp will assist you with keeping track on the procedures during the wedding of your child/girl or your own wedding. Appreciate!

Punjabi Hindu Weddings: Pre-wedding ceremonies

Roka and Thaka

This custom is the first in a not insignificant rundown of ceremonies. In the main example called Roka or Rokna, the group of the lady of the hour visits the family home of the husband to be with a great deal of blessings. The lady of the hour is generally not present that day.

This visit is then responded by the husband to be’s family and they visit the place of the lady of the hour. They bring a ton of blessings like dry organic products, desserts and savories, adornments, cash, et al. The couple is viewed as formally connected with and they are made to sit together and showered with blessings called shagun or sagan. They are likewise taken care of laddu. This arrival service is known as Thaka.

This function has consistently been a serene issue and was initially treated as the date on which the two families chose to set up a relationship and fix the date of the wedding. In any case, these days, Roka and Thaka are not sorted out independently. Contingent upon the accommodation of both the families and accessibility of the key individuals from the two sides, one service is together sorted out.

This custom generally starts with a little puja or supplication called ardaas to request the endowments of God so as to make sure about his gifts and complete help and bless the start of the excursion.

Chunni Ceremony

Chunni function denotes the official commitment of the to-be-marries. Typically the relatives of the man of the hour visit the group of the lady of the hour with blessings. A red shaded outfit like a sari or a lehenga-choli is skilled to the lady of the hour. She is likewise skilled a head scarf called chunni.

The relatives of the man of the hour likewise bring adornments like bangles for the lady of the hour and furthermore conventional desserts like meva, michri, products of the soil (henna), a sort of color to be applied on all fours of the lady of the hour. These are viewed as blessings to the lady of the hour originating from the mother of the man of the hour as a badge of acknowledgment of her as the life partner of the lucky man.

The dupatta or the head scarf is put on the top of the lady of the hour and her face is secured utilizing it as a cloak. This service is called chunni chadana. At that point her hands are colored with mehendi and furthermore the bangles are slipped onto her wrists.

The dad of the lucky man puts meva into the “jholi” or sack of the lady and the guardians of the lucky man likewise give her a date natural product to eat.

Some Punjabi Hindu families request that the husband to be put vermilion imprint on the brow or hair splitting of the lady of the hour.

Sagaai or Engagement

Frequently on a similar day as the chunni chadhai function, sagaai or commitment service happens. The lady and the husband to be trade rings encompassed by their dear loved ones, in this way authoritatively getting acknowledged to the contrary family. In contrast to western weddings, no marriage pledges or promises of adoration are traded. A few families consider the trading of rings as the last characteristic of acknowledgment of the lady of the hour coming into the group of the man of the hour and the other way around.

In some Punjabi relationships, the rings are traded uniquely toward the finish of the marriage and no different occasion is sorted out.

Mehendi Ceremony (Henna)

Mehendi is a crucial piece of most Indian weddings, which is difficult to miss. It is one function which each Indian lady – wedded or unmarried, love. Normally mehendi specialists go to the place of the lady of the hour daily or two preceding the day of the wedding. They make many-sided structures with mehendi on the palm of the hands and feet of the lady. The structures are mind blowing. The companions and sisters of the lady of the hour likewise get the motion reached out to them. The main thing that the craftsman and every other person, guarantees is that the plans on others don’t give off an impression of being more elaborate than those made on the body of the lady of the hour.

The mehendi service likewise happens independently at the place of the husband to be the place the nearby female family members and relatives get their hands and feet colored for the event.

Women’s Sangeet

Regularly on a similar night, a women’s Sangeet is composed where women near the lady of the hour sing and move. It is only a melodic spectacle. It is very like the single girl gathering or hen’s gathering sorted out in the west to commend the last night of the lady of the hour as an old maid. The women sing, move, play instruments like the dhol and furthermore bother the lady of the hour.

In India, generally there has never been a service intently looking like the lone ranger’s gathering however nowadays, even the man of the hour and his dear companions commend the night prior to the marriage by taking an interest in various social projects. Every one of you who have had the favorable luck to be a piece of a Sangeet would realize that it is a night of incredible fun and cheerfulness.

Light rewards like various sorts of tidbits are served to the visitors toward the finish of the sangeet. In any case, from my own understanding, I can say that the rewards are not so much light. They make up a luxurious dinner. You know it’s India, correct? What’s more, Punjabis are self-acknowledged foodies!

Kangna Bandhana Ceremony

This is the main custom performed on the morning of the wedding. A consecrated string called the mouli is tied on the wrist of the lady of the hour and the man of the hour independently at their individual homes by a Hindu cleric. They need to keep it on their wrist as it is viewed as a lucky trinket and hold up until it tumbles off.

Chooda Chadhana

In the event that you decipher the classification of this service actually to English, it would be “putting bangles”. This is a service which happens following the kangna bandhana function. A havan or a sacrosanct fire is lit and the old male individuals from the side of the lady of the hour lounge around the fire. The oldest maternal uncle of the lady of the hour assumes a crucial job and he additionally participates in the havan.

The maternal uncle or mom and his better half would blessing a lot of 21 bangles – red/maroon and white/ivory in shading. These days, since ivory is getting uncommon, ladies likewise wear plastic bangles in various shades like pink, purple and numerous different hues. Be that as it may, before sliding it onto her wrists, the bangles are honored by all the seniors present.

The bangles are refined in a fluid blend containing milk and flower petals. The mother needs to put the bangles on the wrist of the lady. In any case, the head and face of the lady of the hour is secured with a white scarf around then as she should see the bangles when it is put on her wrists. At the hour of the custom, bloom petals are showered on the lady of the hour.

The mom of the lady of the hour additionally blessings the lady of the hour a lehenga-choli/sari which she wears at the hour of the wedding. It is normal that the lady of the hour would wear the arrangement of chooda for a base time of 40-45 days.

Kalide Ceremony

This is additionally a related service. The sisters and companions of the lady of the hour tie umbrella formed figures called kalide to the chooda of the lady of the hour. They are red in shading, a shading which connotes richness and a glad marital life and coconut-molded, meaning success at the home of the recently marries.

The kalide is frequently encrusted with dried betel nuts, dry organic products or coconut. There is a fine conventional act of the lady of the hour shaking her kalide attached to the chooda worn on her arms and youthful unmarried young ladies remain underneath it. It is accepted that if a piece of the kalide or a leaf or a nut or a natural product falls on her head, at that point she would be the following one to get hitched.

I think it is quite like the faith in Christian weddings that if any of the bridesmaid or a youthful unmarried female visitor figures out how to get the wedding blossom of the lady when she tosses it into the air after her marriage when she is leaving with her significant other, she would be the following fortunate one to get hitched!

Haldi ceremony

This service happens on the morning of the wedding. The lady of the hour is plunked down confronting four lights or diyas. This custom is very emblematic. It is accepted that the light exuding from the diyas would consistently keep the shine or the brilliance on the essence of the lady of the hour. The female individuals from the house would then apply a glue of turmeric, sandalwood, rosewater and mustard oil on the obvious pieces of the body of the lady of the hour. This glue demonstrations like a scour or purifying operator and gives a try to please face and hands of the lady of the hour.

A similar service is additionally performed at the place of the man of the hour and all older female individuals from his faction apply the glue to the body of the man of the hour. There is a ton of giggling and fun. Gathered visitors likewise bother the lady of the hour/groom. The women likewise bless each other’s temple and face with the extra glue. The youthful unmarried young men and young ladies additionally go around and apply the glue on one another’s face wanting to get hitched.

Ghara Ghardoli

This quickly follows the haldi service. After the haldi is scoured off from the body of the lady of the hour, she goes with her kin and dear companions to a close by sanctuary. A pitcher loaded with sacred water is then poured on her. After this, she enters the internal sanctum of the sanctuary and appeals to the dominant god of the sanctuary and requests His/Her favors. She at that point returns to her home and takes a full and appropriate shower and starts preparing for the headliners of the night.

Ghara Ghardoli likewise happens at the home of the man of the hour. For his situation, nonetheless, his sister-in-law as a rule pours the pitcher loaded with water on him and he as a rule doesn’t have to visit a sanctuary. After he comes back from the shower, he is given a magnificent, dazzling dress to wear at night.


After the husband to be is prepared, he needs to remain before the family gods and a little puja is performed by the cleric. Puja of a pink shaded turban or headgear called sehra is finished by the cleric and it is then folded over the top of the groom by his dad or a senior male part. The sehra has strings hanging down which ought to somewhat cover the substance of the lucky man as he wears it. After the sehrabandi, the lady of the hour and his motorcade or his procession is prepared to leave for the wedding setting.

Ghodi Sajana and Ghodi Chadna

It has been a long-standing practice for the lucky man to ride a caparisoned horse when heading off to the lady of the hour’s home or wedding scene to get hitched. Ghodi chadna is where the husband to be gets up on the rear of the pony to leave. Be that as it may, before he sets out, the female horse or the ghodi is decked up. It is likewise taken care of by the sisters and female cousins of the lucky man and furthermore offered water to drink. This is known as ghodi sajana.

The sister-in-law of the man of the hour puts surma, a dark fine thing, in his eyes so as to avert such a shrewd nearness from his life just as to make his excursion safe.

This pretty much finishes the pre-wedding ceremonies. As the husband to be and his entourage are on their way, the lady of the hour is preparing as well. She wears an intensely weaved saree or a precious stone encrusted lehenga with choli. Three or four substantial accessories, a gold or precious stone nose ring, anklets and coordinating hoops total the vibes of the lady of the hour. She is additionally given an appropriate wedding make-up by an expert make-up craftsman and furthermore a decent haircut by a beautician.

The older male individuals from the group of the lady additionally administer the very late arrangements and remain in a line at the passage of the setting, sitting tight for the appearance of the baraat.

Punjabi Hindu Weddings: Wedding customs

Agwaani and Milni

This is the custom which denotes the appearance of the man of the hour on his pony with his parade close by. They are invited at the passage by the relatives of the lady of the hour. Punjabis are talkative and love making new associates. They are commonly warm as well. So when the two gatherings meet, a great deal of affection and warmth is radiated and traded. It is normal for the family members from the two sides to embrace one another and furthermore shake hands. This custom is called agwaani.

The lucky man is exceptionally invited by the mother of the lady of the hour in a conventional Indian invite which incorporates aarti, that is venerating him with a lit light and is driven inside. Every one of his relative meets and is welcomed by the comparing relative from the side of the lady of the hour. This implies the maternal uncle of the lucky man meets the maternal uncle of the lady, the fatherly uncles from the two sides combine et cetera. This meeting up is seen as milni.

Varmala or Jaimala

After the husband to be enters the wedding corridor, he is directed to a raised stand. At the sacrosanct mahurat, the lady also strolls in and gets up on the stand. Tthe lady of the hour and the man of the hour at that point trade festoons.

During this function, there is a great deal of energy and frenzy. The husband to be is over and again egged on by his kin and companions not to bring down his head with the goal that the lady of the hour needs to make a solid effort to contact him.

Madhuperk or Madhuperka

This is an extremely old vedic convention. After the trading of the festoons, the lady of the hour and the man of the hour lounge around the sacrosanct fire. The lady of the hour would initially give the husband to be a little bowl of water. He sprinkles some water first on his feet, at that point his body and in the long run drinks the rest.

After this, the man of the hour is given a sherbet called madhuperk, made of explained spread or ghee, curd, nectar and some pith to drink. He takes it and sprinkles some every which way before gradually tasting on it.


This function is emblematic and exceptionally contacting. The dad of the lady of the hour hands over the lady of the hour to the man of the hour and importunes him to take excellent consideration of her. He discloses to him that he has carried her up with much love and care and anticipates that the lucky man should give her equivalent love and regard and deal with her bliss consistently.

He additionally encourages his little girl to adore her new family and take great consideration of her better half. She ought to consistently request his consent before accomplishing something and furthermore devote her life for the advancement of her new family history.

After this, the wedding havan is lit and 14 equal lines of flour is made on a plate and kept before the man of the hour. A bloom bud is kept on it. The 14 lines represent 14 marital promises that the man of the hour needs to satisfy every single through hello there life. The cleric drones mantras and the minister tells the lucky man each pledge in turn and admonishes him to satisfy it with his life. He needs to take the pledge and eradicate each line in turn with that bloom bud.

Mangal Phere

The couple currently needs to circle the holy fire multiple times. For the initial three adjusts, the lady of the hour leads from the front followed intently by the husband to be. The finish of the scarf worn by the man of the hour is attached to the furthest limit of the saree or the lehenga worn by the lady.

The lady of the hour is viewed as a manifestation of Goddess Laxmi, the Goddess of riches and thriving and the lady of the hour is accepted to bring the family she would before long become a piece of, flourishing and joy through her deliberate activities and quiet common sense.

The request changes in the last phera and the husband to be goes in the front. After the last phera, the couple is proclaimed hitched by the minister. The Fire God or Agni is accepted to solemnize the wedding Himself by being the observer of this demonstration.


This is a conciliatory service. The more youthful sibling of the lady of the hour takes rice pieces in his grasp. The lady of the hour shapes a cup with the palm of her hands and the lucky man puts his measured hands underneath her hands. The sibling of the lady of the hour at that point puts the rice drops in the cup and the couple offers it to the Fire God and look for his endowments. Lajahom is rehashed multiple times.

Sindoor Daan

Lajahom marks the finishing of the Vedic wedding customs. After this, a significant custom called sindoor daan is performed. The husband to be blesses the temple of the lady of the hour and fills her hair leaving behind vermillion.

This implies the finish of the wedding service and the start of another connection between the couple. This bond is accepted to keep going forever. Since Hindus put stock in the idea of resurrection/various births, it is accepted that once two or three gets married, they get bound always even in the following lives.

A pragmatist may scrutinize the premise of such a conviction at the same time, that is the manner by which it is. A typical saying in Hindi is “Janma janmantar ka saath”- this should give you a thought how significant a marriage is to Hindus.

Joota Chupai

This isn’t actually a custom in the severe feeling of the term. Be that as it may, it is an old convention that is still followed in most North Indian weddings.

Clearly, the man of the hour needs to go to the wedding setting wearing a specific shoe. Be that as it may, before stepping on the platform, he needs to remove his shoes. Also, normally, the ceremonies set aside some effort to finish. During that period, the shoes are left unguarded.

This gives the perfect chance to the sisters and cousins of the lady of the hour to expel it from the spot and conceal it. After the wedding, when the husband to be descends, he discovers his shoes missing. What follows next is silly. The cousins and sisters of the lady of the hour begin haggling with the husband to be, his siblings and companions to give an appropriate payoff for the arrival of the ‘seized’ pair of shoes.

The man of the hour at last yields to end his ‘injury’. The ‘ruffians’ regularly request gold kalecharis for the sisters of the lady of the hour and silver kalecharis for her cousins.

After this the visitors, particularly the baraat are served an extravagant supper. Food at a Punjabi wedding is one of the high focuses. It could be carefully veggie lover or can have a blend of both veg and non-veg things. There are regularly numerous cooking styles, live counters and separate slows down serving various types of scrumptious food.

Punjabi Hindu Weddings: Post-wedding ceremonies


This is a commonplace Hindu wedding send-off service. It is a delightful custom. On the next day of the marriage, it is the ideal opportunity for the lady of the hour to say goodbye to her family-guardians, kin, families and mates. It is an exceptionally strong and contacting second. The lady of the hour takes phulian or puffed rice in her grasp and without turning around, tosses them over her head in reverse toward her family.

This is the means by which the lady of the hour says thanks to her family for dealing with her up to this point and furthermore tossing of puffed rice implies the expectation that there would be never-ending success at the house.

The siblings and male cousins of the lady of the hour lead her to the vehicle where her better half is now holding back to take her to his habitation. The arrival parade is known as the doli and the mother of the man of the hour and some other older female family members show up before the doli leaves.

They need to arrive at the husband to be’s home and get ready for accepting the recently marry couple.

Pani Bharna

This is the first of the post-wedding ceremonies that happen at the home of the husband to be. The relative needs to apply mustard oil on the two sides of the passage entryway and hang tight for the doli to show up. When they show up, the mother of the man of the hour does an aarti of the lady of the hour with a pitcher of water. In the wake of finishing each hover of the aarti, the mother attempts to drink the water yet every time the lady of the hour stops her. She would permit her relative to drink the water just on the seventh tally. From that point forward, the lady of the hour needs to topple a holder of rice with her feet and furthermore leave an impression of her lac-colored feet on a white material.

She is then invited in and prompted the room containing figures and photos of Gods and Goddesses. The couple first looks for their gifts and afterward the lady of the hour is made to plunk down so she can get to know her new family members.

Mooh Dikhai ki Rasm

Actually deciphered this implies, the essence of the new lady of the hour is uncovered to the family members and neighbors just because. She lifts her cloak and starts connecting with the gathered visitors unreservedly. This is the manner by which they break the ice.

The relative gives a ton of endowments and adornments on the new lady of the hour and different older folks additionally favor her and give her blessings.

After this typically the lady of the hour comes back to her parental home for a day joined by her significant other and the couple goes through the night. The next morning she comes back to the home of her parents in law with a great deal of endowments.

Exciting Reception Party

This is a gathering tossed to pay tribute to the recently marries by the group of the man of the hour. It is a rich, self important issue and visitors are welcomed who come and meet the couple and furthermore have a great deal of fun. These days, cutting and serving wedding cakes and champagne are very normal. This thought has been acquired from the West. Expand move and music plans are likewise made. The couple hit the move floor alongside the welcomed visitors. It is a night of fun and ruckus. A great deal of uproar is made (all jokingly, as you may have guessed). The youths and the matured demolish the age distinction for that day and boogie down together. You would as often as possible notification pelvic pushes and gyrations and cheerful chuckling.

This normally denotes the finish of an ‘exciting’ wedding function. A Punjabi Hindu wedding will leave you entranced by its quality and lowered and contacted by its basic however profoundly representative and philosophical ceremonies.

Expecting I have had the option to make a thorough rundown which won’t possibly advise you yet additionally control you on the off chance that you have a wedding in the family sooner rather than later!

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